Permanent make up

Permanent make up is the introduction of pigments in the upper layer of the skin with the help of a very thin needle. With permanent makeup eyebrows, eyeliner and lips are pigmented, so that certain parts of the face can be nicely accentuated.

Eyebrows for example, are very decisive and characteristic of the face and facial expression. If one has (almost) no, or narrow eyebrows, beautiful, expressive eyebrows can be created using a special hair stroke technique. By applying this technique the eyebrows appear to have real hairs.

Naturally the shape and the colour will determined beforehand. This should match the colour of your hair and skin.

DermaCenter also mastered the 'HairStroke 3D' technique!

There are several options available for eyeliners. You can choose an eyeliner in the lash, so it looks like you have fuller lashes. Of course, a wide eyeliner also possible and there is a choice of various colours.

The pigments used are all approved according to the latest hygiene standards.

Our treatments

✓ HydraFacial

✓ Perk

✓ Permanent Makeup

✓ Medical pigmentation

✓ Botox and Filler Treatments

✓ Acne Treatment

✓ Peeling

✓ Electric hair removal

✓ Blood vessels / warts removal

✓ Deep Tissue Massage

✓ Lymphatic Drainage

✓ Microneedling

✓ Dermalogica treatments

Make an appointment


There are many reasons why you might choose permanent makeup for example, if you:

  • Trouble or have little time for the application of make-up
  • No full or no eyebrows
  • Wearing contact lenses or glasses
  • Are allergic to makeup
  • Engage in sports
  • have Thin lips or vague lip contour
  • Always want to have a memorable appearance
  • For example, have a small scar in the eyebrow
  • have Alopecia areata (patches of baldness)


Information from the Public Health Service

You are planning a cosmetic tattoo or permanent makeup. The Health Authority considers it important to inform you about a number of potential risks in advance.

Applying a cosmetic tattoo or permanent makeup is a skin-piercing operation. By proper method and proper use of the equipment you should avoid becoming infected with blood-borne diseases such as Hepatitis B and C. In addition, by improper care and unhygienic treatment (either by yourself or by the practitioner) infections could occur that are harmful to your cosmetic tattoo or permanent makeup. 

Cosmetics tattoo or permanent makeup strongly discouraged to people under the age of 16. If you choose to have the treatment.
Do you want it anyway and you're under 16, you have come along to the studio with a legal representative.
Moreover, a tattoo on the neck, head and hands under 16 not allowed in any case.

Prior to applying a cosmetic tattoo or permanent makeup you will be asked to fill in a consent form (statement) to complete. In this consent form are answering a number of questions about your health. Completing the consent form for your own safety.

If you are under the age of 16 then your legal representative signs the consent form and identifies himself or herself. The consent form remains in the possession of the practitioner and is kept confidential.


Applying a cosmetic tattoo or permanent makeup.

During the application of a cosmetic tattoo or a permanent make-up small needles are used to insert ink into the skin.

This creates a permanent form or image form life. The ink and pigments must meet strict requirements. This is controlled by the Food and Commodities Authority. Before the cosmetic tattoo or permanent makeup is applied, the skin is cleaned and disinfected. If necessary the skin is shaved.

This should be done with a new disposable razor. Applying a cosmetic tattoo or permanent makeup should be as hygienic as possible. That is to say, the needle that goes through your skin may not previously have been used, must come from a sterile package and should not be touched with bare hands.

The ink that is used must also be sterile. The ink used for you is in small ink cups and should be used only for you. Remaining ink is discarded. During the application of the tattoo or permanent makeup tissues or cotton pads are used. Of course, the tissues or cotton pads are clean and be discarded immediately after use. The practitioner carries gloves during application of your tattoo or permanent makeup and replaces these gloves every time he or she touches anything other than the device with which you are treated, a tissue or your skin. 

Afterwards, the tattooed area is cared for accordingly.


Taking care of the cosmetic tattoo or permanent makeup

A newly introduced cosmetic tattoo or permanent makeup is similar to a graze. The wound caused by tattooing or applying permanent makeup needs time and care to heal. With proper care the wound will heal in approximately a week. The practitioner will provide verbal and written instructions on how to take care of the cosmetic tattoo or permanent makeup. The instruction should include the in the case of symptoms (severe redness, swelling, pussing, exudate) you should to contact your doctor.

During the healing process, we recommend you not to swim, do not take a bath (showering is allowed), do not sunbathe (even under the tanning bed) and make no use of the sauna and / or hot tub. Also, after your cosmetic tattoo or permanent makeup has healed. Always use a high protection sunscreen while sunbathing.


Your Health

If you suffer from any of the following health problems, Public Health Service does not recommend undergoing cosmetic tattoo or permanent makeup:

  • diabetes
  • haemophilia
  • chronic skin disease
  • contact allergy
  • immune disorder
  • cardiovascular abnormalities
  • when using anti-coagulants
  • in places where you have had plastic surgery or radiotherapy
  • in places where bumps, dark moles, swelling or other irritation in your body occur

During the application of the tattoo or permanent makeup you should not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. While you are pregnant, the application of a cosmetic tattoo or permanent makeup is discouraged.

Make sure you are well rested, have eaten well and make sure the practitioner is informed of things that you think are important (eg, medication, allergies, hypersensitivity reactions, being treated by a dermatologist, etc.).


In the Netherlands, a law applies to the application of cosmetic tattoos and permanent makeup . The National Centre for Hygiene and Safety has created hygiene guidelines and practitioners are required to comply with these guidelines. The Public Health Service and Food and Consumer Authority check once every two years if the practitioners comply with the guidelines.


You can view our pricelist here


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